401k  Withdrawal

401k Withdrawal

If you choose not to elect benefit(s) at the time offered, you will have another opportunity during the next open enrollment: January/June (401k), October (Dental, Involuntary Life and Health Insurance). 

401k Plan (Match 5% - 100% of 1st 3%, 50% of remaining 2%)

Our Rep is Luther Rutledge, Senior Vice President-Investments for Synovus Securities, Inc. Feel free to contact him at Office: 706-644-2818; Mobile: 706-329-6624; Fax: 706-649-5787 lutherrutledge@synovus.com

Hardship Withdrawal Conditions

Only the following financial needs are valid reasons to obtain a hardship withdrawal:

  1. medical Expenses [within the meaning of Code Section 213(d)] of the Participant, his or her Spouse, children and other dependents;
  2. purchase (excluding mortgage payments) of the principal residence for the Participant;
  3. payment of tuition and related educational expenses for the next twelve (12) months of post – secondary education for the Participant, his or her Spouse, children or other dependents;
  4. need to prevent eviction of the Employee from or a foreclosure on the mortgage of, the Participant principal residence;
  5. for Plan Years beginning after 2005, payments for funeral or burial expenses for the Participant’s deceased parent, spouse, child or dependent; or
  6. for Plan Years beginning after 2005, expense to repair damage to the Participant’s principal residence that would qualify for a casualty loss deduction under Code 165 (determined without regard to whether the loss exceeds 10 percent of adjusted gross income).

There will be a 6 months contribution suspension when a participant takes out a hardship. It does not have to be re-paid, as it is a taxable event.

401k Account Access

Connecting to your Retirement Plan 

Two of the most important aspects of retirement planning: the ability to manage your own account, and the ability to get account information when you want it. With MassMutual you can easily access and manage your account the way you want virtually anywhere and at any time. Easy access to your retirement account means you’re in control of your future.

MassMutual’s interactive retirement planning website www.massmutual.com/retirementaccess allows you to access your account online 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Accessing your retirement account online is easy if you follow these simple steps.

  • Educational content

    MassMutual offers online learning resources before login, to help you take an active role in planning and saving for retirement

    today. Visit www.massmutual.com/retirementaccess to gain access to a wide range of interactive tools, which include:

    • Results-based calculators 
    • Flash-animated tutorials 
    • Insightful articles
    • Interactive charts 
    • Workshops
  • Accessing your retirement account

    Step 1: When you are ready to access your account, click Log In. 

    Step 2: Enter your username and password. Your initial user name is your SSN and your initial password is your birthday (MMDDYYYY). 

    Step 3: You will then be asked to create a new password. Your username and password will help to keep your personal information secure.

    Step 4: If you’re logging on for the first time, you’ll be asked

    to create a new username and password.

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